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Fresh Boarder
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di Mai 14, 2013 1:48 pm


Beitrag von soopah » Di Mai 14, 2013 3:47 pm

Hello all,

My nick is `Soo, I'm 28, and I'm French, I play hl2dm since 2006? (i don't remember).
I was in [e=mc²] community.
I had play for competition in past, but now I play only for fun.

I come here to introduce myself, and maybe get an unban from your server admin.
There is not so many active server on hl2dm, so be ban from one of them is bad.


Jim Knopf
Platinum Boarder
Beiträge: 1696
Registriert: Mo Okt 13, 2008 4:05 pm
Wohnort: Bocholt/NRW

Re: hello

Beitrag von Jim Knopf » Di Mai 14, 2013 5:49 pm

Hi `Soo,

I banned you from our Server. You did nothing wrong, the Server you've been banned for, has the rule: "No players under age of 30". You can read the ruls when joining the server and in ingame adverts.
The "Alte Leute Public Server" is a server only for player 30 years or older. Most of our member are 45 - 60 years, so they want to play with people with same skill. Thats the only reason for your ban. I know there are less server to play, but because of our rules, our Community is still alive. :-)
Don't get mad at me. If you like, you can visit our other servers (Killbox, NoLimit, Teamdeatchmatch, Coop). They are all 18+ and not 30+.

Greetings Jim
Bunt ist das Dasein und Granatenstark! Volle Kanne Ihr Hoschies!!
Woher soll ich wissen was ich denke, bevor ich höre was ich sage?

Fresh Boarder
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di Mai 14, 2013 1:48 pm

Re: hello

Beitrag von soopah » Di Mai 14, 2013 6:25 pm

alright, too bad Im not from 1983... :/
